Israel Machine Vision Conference (IMVC 2024) April 8, 2024 abstract

"Deep Learning for ALL: Enhancing Image Inputs - Building Knowledge Outputs"


diagnostic reading errors
every year


images in 2021
a 2000-fold increase


wasted in diagnostic errors and
medical inefficiencies in the U.S.


savings with improved
human-AI collaboration

The Problem: Missed and Mis-Diagnosis

At the root of the problem is the explosive growth in the number of medical images generated.

  • Between 2010 and 2021 the number of images increased from 94M to 115B as compared to just 9M diagnostic images generated in 1999.

  • Workforce to workflow inefficiencies mean there is not enough time and/or people to
    do the job right, compounding risks to patient safety.

  • An estimated 62% of False Positive (misdiagnoses) and False Negative (missed diagnoses)
    are due to clinician complacency, fatigue, and cognitive-perceptual failures.

The Solution

conflu3nce is developing a suite of patented and patent-pending image manipulation tools designed to enhance visual attention, reduce pixel volume, and deconstruct image complexity - a technology Gestalt designed to help bridge the gap between human cognition, perception and computer vision.

The enhanced image on the right does not change clinical decision-making whether to biopsy and/or remove the lesion. But the enhanced image allows us to not only better interrogate the lesion, visualizing hidden image data, while at the same time improving the extraction of attributes by AI.

In the example above, the image on the left is ambiguous - a spider and maybe skin; whereas the image on the right is unambiguously classified as skin - a starting point and new ground truth for advancing early detection of cancerous and other skin lesions.

LesionOptix webinar

The Product Pipeline

Specialized Use Cases

Surgical Site Infections (SSI)are the leading cause of post-operative, unplanned readmissions within days following surgery. At-home monitoring of surgical sites can help troubleshoot patient questions before they become an issue.

  • Worldwide, SSIs occur in 2% to 20% of patients with an estimated 310M major surgeries performed each year (2020)

  • SSIs account for 16% of all healthcare-associated infections

  • Inadequate care coordination & post-discharge support are primary reasons

  • Re-admission cost ~ $30,000/wound || Annual cost: $3-$10B

Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) Worldwide, an estimated 422M people have diabetes, and between 9.1 to 26.1M people will develop a DFU in their lifetime.

  • 40% recurrence once formed

  • 131M people carry DFU risk factors

Decubitus/Pressure Ulcers

  • 12-20% prevalence in elderly and people with limited mobility

  • $10B in treatment costs and long-term disability

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