transforming images - unlocking hidden image data

intellectual property portfolio

10,582,189 System and Method for Generating Composite Images. Inventor: Tami Ellison. Assigned to conflu3nce. Granted March 2020. The patent relates to the field of composite images and the digital process of combining and assembling multiple images to produce a final image. Composite images create figure-ground relationships with properties which can be manipulated. Defining and refining figure-ground relationships in images and between images is a core operation in identifying image content and relationships for machine learning, deep learning and other AI applications where image and scene analyses is used.

11,328,822 and 11,298,062 Multi-Purpose Interactive Cognitive Platform. Inventor: Tami Ellison. Assigned to conflu3nce. Granted March and June 2022. The patent relates to the field of human cognition and the use of enriched stimuli to engage skills and processes across multiple cognitive domains. The versatile platform is designed as a multi-modal and multi-domain cognitive assessment and treatment tool, with both device-based and offline components, and offers view-only, hands-on and hands-free modalities, making it suitable for use across a range of user capabilities and environments to support brain health and well-being. Applications include: cognitive safety monitoring during drug development; cognitive status change tracking; and, performance skills enhancement. Prototypes for both device-based and offline interactivities have been developed.

17/890,289 System and Method for Recognition of Health Conditions According to Image Processing. Patent Pending Inventor: Tami Ellison. August 2022. The patent describes methods for identifying health conditions based on image analysis of embedded image Gestalt properties. The methods are designed to detect nuanced changes in image data towards reverse engineering image attributes to earlier timepoints.

11,158,060 and 11,176,675 System and Method for Creating an Image and/or Automatically Interpreting Images. Inventor: Tami Ellison. Assigned to conflu3nce. Granted October and November 2021. The patent relates to the field of image processing and a method for identifying contiguities in images and composite image sets. Contiguities describe various qualities of an image which may be used for identifying objects and/or relationships within an image and between images. The invention describes a system and method which can be used to predict figure-ground relationships in natural image scenes and/or when images are combined with other images to generate a composite image set. The patent describes a novel method which leverages embedded image Gestalt properties for rapidly analyzing changes/differences across the width and height of an image.

11,347,831 and WO2020121302 System & Method for User Recognition Based on Cognitive Interactions. Co-Inventors: Tami Ellison & Shelja Guberman. Assigned to conflu3nce. Granted May 2022. The invention relates to the field of user identification and authentication. The system and methods integrate human cognitive capacity and the centrality of the user's role in managing identity security. The user and the system operate together, cooperatively to develop image-linked alphanumeric passwords based on image metadata, and in authenticating human user identity through cognitively-based interactions. The system leverages user-specific mental orientation together with the picture superiority effect in humans to pre-register image-related security questions. Unlike typical knowledge factors, image-linked factors cannot easily be gamed from social media content and other public domain user information. The method does not require that the user remember, or even know, the generated password.

(Patents 10,582,189 || 11,328,822 || 11,298,062 || 11,158,060 || 11,176,675 || 11,347,831 || WO2020121302 || 17/890,289)

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